Sunday, November 23, 2008

28 Week Doctor Appointment

Well I went to the doctor on Friday for my 28 week appointment. Everything is going well. I only gained a pound this last month which is really good for me!! I got to hear the baby's heartbeat which was in the 150's. The doctor also told me that my hemoglobin was kind of low and that I should remember to take my prenatal vitamins everyday. I will have that checked again in a month and if it is still low I will have to take an extra iron pill. I told my doctor so you are going to give another pill that I can forget to take. Dr. Goerish also measured my stomach and I was measuring 31 and should have measured 28 so if I am still measuring big then I will be getting another ultrasound. This happened with Aidan also so I am not worried but I would like another ultrasound. I am carrying very high and so the doctor said that this is probably why I am measuring big.

Here is a picture of my belly.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Yaaay for cute bellies!